Monday, December 15, 2008

"What they eat don't make us shit"

Song Title: Real Talk
Album: Double Up, 2007

Full Verse:
You See What Your Problem Is,
You're Always Running Of At The Mouth Telling Your Girls Your
Motherfucking Business, When
They Dont Eat With Us, They Dont Sleep With Us, Besides
What They Eat Don't Make Us Shit
Real Talk

I'm sorry to be beating a dead horse here, but this one line of this song has been stuck in my head ever since watching the video of Real Talk and I'm just overwhelmed by the genius of it.

In an effort to really drive home his point that his girlfriend's girlfriends have no place in their relationship, he screams "what they eat don't make us shit!" Meaning, of course, that R. and his woman have their own relationship independent of her friends.

But what a visual way to say this! I think it's one of his best lines and also a good mantra for us all to use when life's got us down. Your boss on your case? Just remind yourself, what she eats don't make you shit. Your parents on your back about not having a job anymore? What they eat don't make you shit. Your girlfriend on your case about being at a club with lots of other women and then sleeping with them all? Well, what she eat doesn't make you shit either. It's just what you eat that makes you shit. (See Diagram).


R&BFan1988 said...

If you keep up, someone will start a blog about how great luly is.

Kelly Sharp said...

This is amazing. What's even more amazing is that sometimes, if you're really, really close to someone—like, say, your kid or your husband—and they get sick from something they eat, and in caring for them you become weak from lack of sleep, and then you get some stray germ, and then YOU shit....well, then that means you really love someone.

R. Kelly clearly does not feel this way about this girl. And frankly, I don't blame him.

