R. Kelly has done it again. He's taken a paradigm of mine and turned it completely on its head.
See entire verse:
Make up, and break up, that's all we do
Then we have sex, next thing you know
Everything is cool
Best of both worlds, holla at your boy
See, this whole time I thought that those yo-yo, dramatic, make-up/break-up, back and forth relationships sucked. In fact, I went out of my way to avoid them. One could even say I saw them as the WORST of both worlds; you've got the time commitment of a make up AND the rejection of a break up.
But it turns out (Thank you, R.) I was just looking at this all wrong. The inverse is true. You've got the sex-having that comes with making up and the telling each other off that comes with breaking up. And telling each other off is so much fun! When else are you going to have the chance to stand up, pull your pants on, and say, all sassy-like, "Yeah, bitch? Well what you eat don't make me shit."
And then storm out the room.
Well that's just one more thing to love about R. Kelly. He's a glass-of-Hennessy-is-half-full kind of guy. He sees every situation in the best possible light.
...Except if you are his girlfriend and you mention that your friends saw him at a club with other women.
..unless you then get to break up/make up, in which case even THAT is ultimately okay
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