Monday, September 29, 2008

"And then she wouldn't know what to do-We'll be standing there singing"

Same Girl (Featuring Usher!)
Double Up

Full Verse:
Homie we about to bust this trick Man
just ask her to met up with you and Im gonna show up too
And then she wouldn't know what to do
Well be standing there signing

So here you have R. Kelly and Usher slowly gathering that they've been with the Same Girl. And not only have they both been sexing this same girl but they both think they *may* love her. ("She's the apple of your eye, and my potential wife!") Its quite fun to listen to them figure it out ("She like Waffle House? Yep. She got a Kid? Yep. She work for TBS? Yep." ) and then quite moving to see how gentlemanly they are about it once they figure it out.

How refreshing in this day in age to see two reasonable men putting their friendship first and coming up with a plan to get back at her. I can't quite tell what their plan is, though, because from the sound of this verse it sounds like they're going to trick her into meeting up with both of them, and then- THEY'RE GOING TO SING!

Umm, excuse me guys, but there's just one problem with this plan: That sounds awesome! I would love it if I were secretly dating both R.Kelly and Usher and then one day I arrived at the hotel lobby or wherever they'd asked me to meet, and there they both were, singing! This girl should be so lucky. I mean, she's just some chick who works at TBS, for God's sake.


Unknown said...

This lyric confuses me because the tenses are off. She "wouldn't" know what to do and "we'll be standing there singing." That's my only issue, otherwise it's masterful.

Kelly Sharp said...

R. Kelly is way, way above the laws of grammar.

Luly said...

I wonder, by the way, what they're going to sing? Are they going to sing this song in particular? And if so, would they start at the beginning to show her how they figured it out? If that's the case then I can see how the tenses would get all out of whack. They're singing in the present about the plan they came up with in the past and were predicting what she's going to do in the future. Or maybe they're going to sing something different all together, like 'We are the World', or, 'Yellow Submarine', or, 'Sex in the Kitchen'.

