Album: Double Up, 2007
Full Verse:
Yeah I hope ya'll understand
You know what I'm sayin cause
There's people out there that
You know fans that will probably never get to see me
I'll probably never get to see them
But I want them to know that I love em
You know what I'm sayin
I appreciate them for supportin R.Kelly
The different countries All different cultures,
The world
Ya'll made me who I am
And I just wanna take this song to say thank you
God bless you and your families
Did we realize what a global sensation R. Kelly is? I know I didn't. But don't worry, R. does. And he's very grateful. For the support of ALL the different cultures. ALL the different countries.
Though I must admit, as much as I want every last person on this (sex) planet to know and love R. Kelly, I have to wonder how much his antics will appeal to the average man. For instance, when I went to Laos, I only heard two songs. 'Hotel California' and the the Titanic song, 'My Heart will Go On'. Neither of these give me much hope for R.'s popularity in this region of the world. I don't know if they even have lawnmowers and Legos over there.
They would probably like R. Kelly if they heard it. Think of the possible sex-a-phors surrounding, oh, say, a monk and a stewardess having getting it on in a bell-tower.
During my sojourn in Kathmandu, I noticed quite a bit of visual imagery of Brittany Spears and Christina Aguilera. But audio-wise, it was all, as you say, "My Heart Will Go On" and some assorted Brian Adams. Little do they know that R. Kelly combines the visual sex factor of a (pre-meltdown) Brittany with the audio sex factor of a [pre-Vegas] Celine Dion.
I don't really know if you NEED sexaphors to describe a monk and a stewardess having sex in a bell tower. I mean, it sounds like it already IS a sexaphor for something much more believable.
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