Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's love-o'clock and we're broadcasting live

Song: Weatherman
Album: Happy People/U Saved Me

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: "A sex-a-phor! Look! He's using am radio lingo to talk about sex! I totally get it! I could write this blog myself!"

That's where you're wrong, dear readers. But good try anyway.

What this here is, is a love-a-phor, from a phase in his music-making that art historians will one day refer to as R. Kelly's Glee Period. In this album (Just look at the name—"Happy People/U Saved Me) R. stops thinking about sex in so many words for a minute and takes a fresh look around him, eyes a-twinkle. He thinks to himself: What a wonderful world!

Just look at some more of the lyrics from this song:

Hello world
It's a great day

And nothing but blue skies
Be thankful
Put a smile on your face

Tell somebody hi

Get your car shined

It's the weekend
And I can feel the love

It's R. Kelly's personal take on Zippity-Do-Da!

So how do we explain the sudden shift from sex-a-phor to love-a-phor? Easy, guys. This is a song that R. Kelly wrote seconds after getting laid in a seriously satisfying way. Maybe he did it pretty much all night long with some girl, and now it's morning, and the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping, and R. Kelly is just another happy dude on his way to IHOP for some pancakes.

God, it's so great to know that R. Kelly doesn't just go around sexing and feeling bored about it. He's not all, like, "Yeah, I'm doing my hair braider. But, whatever." This shit brings some serious joy into R. Kelly's life. Some serious LOVE. You know?

So take a hint. Get happy. Get your car shined. Have a good one.

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