Song: The Opera
Album: R
When I saw the title to this song, ("The Opera") I thought: "Hey! I've been to the opera!"
But it turns out the opera I've been to was nothing like the one that R. Kelly went to. Here's the first verse of the song:
Enter into my room Dim the lights and hop right into bed with me I will satisfy your needs going half on a baby Are you down with me
Yeah, the Opera I went to was totally different. Or was it? It was sung in German with French subtitles, so what the hell do I know? Maybe the main guy was singing, "Enter into my room" that one time that he swept his hand across his body and belted into the theater. Then, when his costar broke in with her impossible soprano, she was singing, "I will satisfy your needs going half on a baby."
I mean, it's the fucking opera. Who knows what's going on anyway?
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