Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Even over by the dirty lawnmower (we sex)"

Song Title: "Break Up (That's All We Do")
Album: Unfinished Business, 2004

Full Verse:
From the bathroom to the kitchen (we sex)
From the kitchen to living room (we sex)
From the living room to upstairs (we sex)
Upstairs to the attic (we sex)
Attic to the basement (we sex)
From the basement to the car garage (we sex)
Garage to the back of the Jeep (we sex)
Bicycle to the treadmill (we sex)
Even over by the dirty lawnmower (we sex)
The neighbors and the dogs are lookin crazy (we sex)
I don't care because you're my baby (we sex)
It's our house, and we can have sex (we sex)
anytime we want to (we sex)
They can kiss my ass, because whoa-ho-hoo

This is a song about how whenever R. and his lady friend fight, they end up having sex, and then don't break up. "Sex makes you say I'm sorry /And things like I'm not goin nowhere/It's somethin bout the P-U-S-S-Y/ That keeps brother in check"). That's the premise of the song, at least, but really it turns, quite quickly, into just a long list of places R. has sex and about how much R. likes to have sex. (A lot).

Now, as to this (long) verse, I'd once again like to point out R.'s complete disclosure. He's not only going to tell us about all the glamorous places he does it (attics are pretty sexy, so are stairs, so is a living room, so is the back of a jeep)- but he's also fully prepared to reveal the not-so-glamorous places. Like next to the dirty lawnmower.

Okay, R., it is your house so you can do it anywhere you like. But please- be careful!! That lawnmower has blades!


Luly said...

(I know it's lame to comment on your own post- but I just realized I really need to add this one last thought:)

If that lawnmower wasn't dirty before, it certainly is now- now that R.'s had sex right next to it.

Caitlin said...

i wonder if that dirty lawnmower is in a dirty, oil-stained garage with roaches? cuz that's probably worth mentioning too. shows he's got guts. and loves to sex.

R&BFan1988 said...

I like the idea of the lawnmower being dirty, in relation to R. I'm not sure how it would even go about that. Seriously, how would you outfreak this guy? Lawnmowers can't take dumps! I need to get to sleep.

Luly said...


Do you mean to say that since R. Kelly is a known Urinator*-During-Sex enthusiast-- we can safely conclude that however dirty said lawnmower is, it can't possibly be as dirty as R. Kelly?

Because yeah, that sounds like a valid point.

*(and yes, maybe he takes dumps on the 14 year olds as well)

