Album: 12 Play: Forth Quarter, 2008
Ahhhh, here we are back in the familiar world of R. Kelly's sex-a-phors. It's been too long.
This song is mainly about the smoothness of R.'s woman's skin, but luckily for us he takes one line out to give us this visual. He may be just feeling her skin for a long time, but she gets to play with him like Lego.
The only problem with this sexaphor is that I remember most of my Lego playing to be:
a. not that sexy
b. mostly just snapping together blocks and then breaking them apart.
Sounds sorta painful, R. .
(Also, I know what some of you are going to say. "Technically, you know, this is a sex-ile". And you're right. But it just doesn't have the same ring to it that sex-a-phor does.)
although i agree that legos were mostly not sexy, there's also the part where you are pawing through bins of pieces, digging down deep into it, searching and searching, trying desperately to find just the right piece AH! THAT'S IT!! THAT'S THE ONE!! RIGHT THERE!! see what i mean?
R.'s gone crazy. Caitlin might have too. For real.
Also, my roommate has this ongoing joke where he talks about how R. wants to do it with kids or something. Usually it falls flat, (see his comment on the entry about space), but I think he might have something here.
I used to put legos in my butt. I wonder if that's what he means.
And now look who's gone crazy...
But think about how legos fit together . . . All those little cylinders filling all those holes?
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