Album: Double Up, 2007
Full Verse:
Got a sweet tooth for you girl
Baby I'm tempted to taste
I can't wait to drink your milk
Your looking like a big whole piece of cake
I'm all up in your milk
oooh it taste like skittles
So this whole song, as you probably guessed, is just one long sexaphor comparing doing it with his lady to eating candy. It's a natural, really. I'm surprised it took R. this long into his career to come up with it.
But in this line in particular, I have to ask this: is R mixing Sexaphors here? Milk, skittles- he's got alot of different things to compare your bodily fluids to, it seems.
And that's exactly why we love him.
This is definitely a mixed sexaphor, since skittles are clearly a candy (devoid of nutritional value) and Milk is a totally valid source of calcium, which is good for preventing osteoporosis.
And don't think R. Kelly is not painfully aware of the potential health hazards of his persistent need for more and more "candy".
Later in the song you find this lyric:
"Girl I'm about to give myself a cavity
Plus I'm gonna need bandages for my knees"
I guess if you're R. Kelly, you can't really afford to let yourself go. Of course, he probably has excellent dental coverage. And I'm sure he can send someone down to the CVS for bandages. So really he's just taking some informed risks here.
This song makes me uncomfortable.
Do you think the milk-skittles come in yellow? 'Cause I think they would curdle.
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