Monday, October 27, 2008

"i'm lovin' the way you're movin' erotic exotic sexy kittens sippin' hypnotic spotted you shakin it fast"

Song Title: Snake
Album: Chocolate Factory, 2003

Now, don't be fooled by the title of this song. Though it is called 'Snake' and though there are actually a few references to snakes ("I want to taste your venom"), this piece of genius is way more than just a song about Snakes as a sexaphor for sex. In this one song you get sexaphors surrounding a wide variety of topics, such as:

The club freezing (when she shakes her ass)
A string popping on a guitar
Cuban Cigar smoke
Sports: the ball being in her court, etc.
Serena Williams

See? This song is jammed packed! You really have to pay close attention to follow the story line. But I must admit, R. did kinda loose me with this kitten lyric. So it's a hypnotic kitten that's very exotic and also very erotic? I don't know about this one, R. .

It seems to me, when you're a giant superstar who tends to get in trouble for having sexual encounters with underage girls, you shouldn't start talking about how sexy very young animals are and how you'd like to do them.

Kittens, in my book, are better left described as cute.


Kelly Sharp said...

I think what happened here is that R. had written the first and last parts of this line. He'd written "I'm lovin' the way you're movin'" and "you shakin it fast."

But how to fill the interim?

Simple. R. did a shit ton of mushrooms and had his personal assistant write down each and every word he mumbled from behind the entertainment center. Then, they took the mode (which, you'll remember, is the form of average which simply notes those which occurred most often) and strung them together quickly enough to fill the gap in his line.

And viola! A song. It's a good thing his kitten was in the room while he was trippin'.

Luly said...

I wonder what it would be like to BE R.'s personal assistant.

Probably really sexy...

...or maybe just kinda awkward.

Kelly Sharp said...

It might be a little bit less risky because "Huh. I'm doin' my personal assistant" doesn't role off the tongue as easily.

Not that R. wouldn't do his personal assistant.

He'd find a way to sing about it, I'm sure.

