Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lookin' at you from the inside of this internet

Song: 2nd Kelly
Album: R


When I first read this line, I had a brief, Zoolander moment: "The files are inside the computer?"

Closely followed by an eery, 1984 moment, where I was like, "Shit! R. Kelly is the new B. Brother and he's watching everything I do from inside the internet!"

I furiously flipped through our blog. Is there anything on here that I don't want R. to know?

The answer is, No. There isn't. I'm proud of every single thing we've said. And if I were R., watching this blog from inside the internet, I'd realize, "Hey. These bloggers are accusing me of being handsome, sexy, deep, interesting and pretty much musically superior to everything out there. I've been accused of FAR worse things than that."

And how.

More to come on this song, by the way. It's deep, interesting and pretty much musically superiour to everything out there. Wait. What's that, R.? You say hold on? Oh, yes. You're right. It's musically superior to everything out there except R. Kelly's other songs. Duh, R. That's why I said 'pretty much.'

1 comment:

Luly said...

So maybe on R.'s outgoing message he should add to the list of five possible things he might be doing instead of picking up the phone (sleeping, smoking on some trees, having a little sex, being faded, making a baby)- a sixth activity- and that is,

6. lurking creepily inside these crazy tubes of internet, watching us all as we check out email, download new versions of firefox, read about the financial crisis,or whatever it is we do on the web.

