Saturday, October 11, 2008

"Sex At 1st Sight"

Song Title: "Good Sex"
Album: Double Up, 2007

Full Verse:
Ooh My Goodness
Sex At 1st Sight Girl
When I Look At U
Walkin And Talkin
While U Strutin That Thang
Across The Room
Shit U Almost Made Me Spill My Drink

Awww, now this is a sweet one.  It sort of reminds me of 'Some Enchanted Evening', from the musical South Pacific.

Let's compare:
Some enchanted evening
When you find your true love,
When you feel her call you
Across a crowded room,
Then fly to her side,
And make her your own
For all through your life you
May dream all alone.

See? He's just updating a classic.  Playing with that old idea that in the blink of an eye your whole life can change. Cupid's arrow can strike at any moment, that sort of thing.  Except in his version, being the honest gent he is, R.'s not going to make any promises about "all through your life" or make any great claims of "love". He's just telling it like it is- at first sight he wants to do you.

1 comment:

Kelly Sharp said...

What would be really great is if artists starting playing with the prepositional phrases involved in these old classics. Like, instead of seeing your one true love "across a crowded room," you saw her "beneath a crowded room," "under a crowded room," or "right next to you in a crowded room."

Wouldn't that be something?

